Hello guys!
I have more art I found neat. I gotta be honest, I'm so tired rn. Doing these after work sucks but I literally don't have any other time. In the perfect world I would make these before work, but I'd still be tired. If this was a perfect world, I'd just live stream me going through NewGrounds as a job. *Sighs and itches ass*. Anyways let's get to it.
Make sure to check out the playlists of previous art I've featured on here.
The Playlists:
Now before the main art, the frontpaged art I thought was neat.
Ok now on to the main art, the art I manually scrolled for.
I have so many aspirations. To be an artist, a content creator, a political activist, happy in general. But my financial situation and status. I still strive to be at least some of those, but man is it hard. I try my best tho. I hope y'all have a good one :)