Hello liberals
Erm, I don't know if you heard but liking things is gay and homosexual, and idk if you heard but I am gay and homosexual. So, let's get to this wonderful art! I LOOOOOOVE ART MMMMM TASTY ART GLUUUUUUUUURGH.
Don't forget to check out the art I've featured on here before, in these playlists!
The Playlists:
And now before we get to the art that I manually found, let's look at some art on the FrontPage that I found neat.
Ok now on to the MAIN COURSE!!!!
Remember to question why somebody would tell you to dislike someone. Are their points factual? Are they blaming a group of people? What do these people have to lose? What do these people have to gain? Do you lose anything if they gain it? Food for thought. Have a good one.
massive congrats, everybody